This program is operated by college faculty who care deeply about student success. We are experienced in curriculum design, and know how to weave Common Core pathways and Community College Common Assessment Initiatives together with best practices from our respective disciplines.
Like you, we understand there are significant advantages available to students who choose to enhance their education through one-to- one and small group learning. Our tutors meet students where they are. We train tutors to respect each student’s individual learning style, to honor their time investment, and to respect their unique differences.
Our decision to enter the education marketplace is in response to the problems learners particularly face in the “one method suits all” of the large test preparation corporate businesses.
At “Lifetime Education”, education is our passion and teaching is our trade. When it comes to education, we have extremely high standards and we thrive on providing each and every one of our students with the best tools and resources available to guarantee the best possible results.
We understand that our success, as an educational institute, depends on the success of our students. Therefore, we have created unique curriculums designed with our students’ success in mind to guarantee their success. We believe that our innovative teaching techniques, along with our unique curriculums for each study subject will give our students the edge they need to succeed and reach their academic goals.
We offer a variety of classes and workshops, from one-on- one tutoring to small class settings and public classes. We believe that our innovative teaching techniques, along with our unique curriculum for each study subject will give our students the edge they reach their educational goals and separate us from everyone else.
As our network expands and our courses grow in popularity, it will become our mission to advocate and financially support the education of children from underdeveloped communities around the country and the world.
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